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Batley Grammar School

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PE and Sport Premium

The Government continues to provide additional funding to schools to improve the provision of Physical Education (PE) and Sport in primary schools. 

This funding - provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport - is allocated to primary school headteachers and is ring-fenced. Therefore it can only be spent on PE and sport provision in schools. For more information click here.

At Batley Grammar School, we are using the funding to help us enhance sport and PE provision:

  • We have bought into a Partnership option which allows us to compete with other schools  at local competitions and to access a range of training events for staff
  • We have provided specialist teachers to support the development of football, rugby, multi-skills and athletics
  • We are running an Active Lunchtime Club to support learners in developing  a more healthy lifestyle along with an after school multi-skills club
  • We are organising sports competitions within school including cricket and athletics
  • We are taking part in a range of competitive sports events with local schools
  • We have provided a dedicated member of staff to organise and oversee the primary phase sports programme
  • We have added more fitness equipment to the playground for learners to access at break and lunchtimes
  • We have delivered a diverse range of sports as part of our PE curriculum. 


Primary Phase Sport Premium

Primary Phase Sport Premium Impact 2023/24